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Archived News for October 17, 2007

The Fate of The Other Sketches

Updated on 10/19: D. gave me permission, so below there is now a scan of the sketch I sent her!

So what happened to the sketches sent to the remaining contest winners (the contest in question, the first winner's reactions)?

Well... two of them went to Mexico. Apparently, it's closer to the Third World than I thought. Here's a quote from Winner #2: "We get mail maybe once a month so it's a pretty big deal and we all sit around a table and open envelopes and care packages and such.  It's like Christmas once a month, every month.  The sketches were the best thing anyone received this time and the pirate sketch was particularly admired."

It apparently led to the college dorm being decorated in an island theme, with my measly little sketch becoming a part of it. How amazing is that?

The Third Prize sketch was also received and appreciated: "It's cute and funny," D. wrote me. As to the spontaneous cat joke on the sketch, she commented: "I like cats in an abstract sense. I have enough trouble taking care of me, I wouldn't know what to do with a pet." She had expected a package from London, thus being somewhat surprised at the origin of the envelope. (No, I'm not going to tell you. Not today, anyway. Where would be the surprise for you if you should win the next amazing contest?)

L. and D. – mind if I post the sketches online?

Update: Here's D's sketch... (This is the reason I recently started doing cat sketches... I realized my knowledge of feline anatomy was poor.)

"This Is Me" is © 2007-2013 by Gerald Himmelein