First Published: October 8, 2009
Part three, with two to go. (The series starts here.)
If you are asking yourself: "Who's that little guy in the foreground?" you might find enlightenment here.
A friend of mine occasionally uses Yoda grammar. I tried to get him to discourage him from doing that by calling him a yodiot. It didn't work. Eventually, the prequels soured him enough on all things Star Wars to make him stop.
This strip became a challenge in mostly unexpected ways.
By now, I have gotten the hang of squeezing three characters into one of these narrow panels. Getting Beansprout to look a bit yodaish was tricky, but not impossible.
The actual challenge turned out to be the thought balloon in the last panel. I must have reworded it a dozen times. Finally I decided on I the most blunt and succinct option. Then, just before publishing, I changed it again – to almost, but not quite, the original wording.
In case you're wondering: