First Published: December 23, 2007

This site

Diary of a Stripper, Part 1

Not sure whether this has been mentioned before, but this strip wouldn't be around if it weren't for Andrew – well, his real-life counterpart.

When I got the mad idea of doing a thrice-weekly comic on June 10, 2007, Andrew was the first person I showed my feeble attempts at humor. As you may have gathered, he can be a bit judgemental. In this instance, he told me to keep going.

It would have been easy for him to crush my little ego under his star-studded size 12 boot at that point, but he didn't. To day, he gets to see every strip before it's published (excepting the previous two strips which were completed only minutes before uploading).

His criticism can be harsh. But the knowledge that he will tell me what he thinks without any kind of varnish remains invaluable. Thanks, Andrew.

Drawing Notes

As fate would have it, the previous time my wife went bwaaah, it was also followed by an Andrew strip – his introduction to the comic, actually.

Peeking into the archive, I can't believe how much my art has changed in the months since I started this strip. (All together now: "It now sucks in an entirely different way!")

"This Is Me" is © 2007-2013 by Gerald Himmelein